вторник, 13 декабря 2011 г.

Champion of the world on Motorcycle race in CHESTE for frame foto

Champion of the world on Motorcycle race in CHESTE for frame foto 06.11.2011.

Champion of the world on Motorcycle race in CHESTE for frame foto

Champion of the world on Motorcycle race in CHESTE for frame foto 06.11.2011.

вторник, 22 ноября 2011 г.

Cheste.Скоро чемпионат мира по мотогонкам.Валенсия. Испания .06.11.2011.

Чемпионат мира по мотогонкам ЧЕСТЕ. ВАЛЕНСИЯ. ИСПАНИЯ. 06.11.2011.

Чемпионат мира по мотогонкам ЧЕСТЕ. ВАЛЕНСИЯ. ИСПАНИЯ. 06.11.2011.

Чемпионат мира по мотогонкам ЧЕСТЕ. ВАЛЕНСИЯ. ИСПАНИЯ. 06.11.2011.

Чемпионат мира по мотогонкам ЧЕСТЕ. ВАЛЕНСИЯ. ИСПАНИЯ. 06.11.2011.

Чемпионат мира по мотогонкам ЧЕСТЕ. ВАЛЕНСИЯ. ИСПАНИЯ. 06.11.2011.

среда, 16 ноября 2011 г.

MOTO CHAMAN CHESTE fhoto 06.11.2011.

Champion of the world on Motorcycle race in CHESTE for frame foto 06.11.2011.

Champion of the world on Motorcycle race in CHESTE for frame foto 06.11.2011.

Champion of the world on Motorcycle race in CHESTE for frame foto 06.11.2011.

Champion of the world on Motorcycle race in CHESTE for frame foto 06.11.2011.

Champion of the world on Motorcycle race in CHESTE for frame foto 06.11.2011.

Champion of the world on Motorcycle race in CHESTE for frame foto 06.11.2011.

Champion of the world on Motorcycle race in CHESTE for frame foto 06.11.2011.

Champion of the world on Motorcycle race in CHESTE for frame foto 06.11.2011.

Champion of the world on Motorcycle race in CHESTE for frame foto 06.11.2011.

Champion of the world on Motorcycle race in CHESTE for frame foto 06.11.2011.

Champion of the world on Motorcycle race in CHESTE for frame foto 06.11.2011.

Champion of the world on Motorcycle race in CHESTE for frame foto 06.11.2011.

Champion of the world on Motorcycle race in CHESTE for frame foto 06.11.2011.

Champion of the world on Motorcycle race in CHESTE for frame foto 06.11.2011.

Champion of the world on Motorcycle race in CHESTE for frame foto 06.11.2011.

четверг, 22 сентября 2011 г.

Champion of the world on Motorcycle race in CHESTE for frame foto

 moto chaman cheste

The Holiday of the championship of the world on motorcycle race in honor photo Integer fortnight holidays, in small city honor, motorcycles bikers amateurs motorcycles Before championship remained little already arrive the first swallows beforehand book the home.

пятница, 29 июля 2011 г.

What happens during the racing world in the evening, behind the scenes, in the Cheste

When athletes fight for rank of the champion of the world on motorcycle race in Circuite.
In most honor particularly with evening before morning pass the holidays if their possible so name gently-great motodiskoteka where all intertwine,is paved people bikers fans to amateurs to worshipers is paved and etc.
The Drone possible to compare realy that with half a million army assembled in on holiday motorcycle race world.
The Drone lasts with evening before morning and so safe week before the end of the championship.
Daytime dies down on 4 but that and 5hours at night continuation.
The Night sound or drone possible to compare to march the tank army on parade.
And all this in honour of motorcycle race in cheste.,motoshaman,holiday motorcyclist.
In conclusion see video amateur and you immediately feel all this can who will see familiar

Video Cheste motor racing world championship in Cheste motodiskoteka

пятница, 22 июля 2011 г.

moto chaman cheste- But here is so begins motofiesta cheste.

moto chaman cheste





video Salute in honour of openings motofiesta cheste 
Right on opening, motofiesta and salute in honour of openings motorcycle race in honor and on Circuit, last champion of the world on motorcycle race.

 MOTO CHAMAN CHESTE is dedicated to championship of the world on motorcycle race. Which will pass the autumn at November of this year in CHESTE on motortrake Sircuit VALENCIA SPANIA.
The Championship of the world passes each year in CHESTE.
On put is described basically other tema..kak passes whole Champion of the world on motorcycle race in most CHESTE.
In CHESTE are going to with the whole world Athletes Baykery Motociklisty rokkery fans motorcycle and rooters.
And motorshoy atracxion salutes are organized for the whole this publics.
And the whole championship of the world in CHESTE passes with morning before morning particularly with evening before morning.
The Roar motorcycle вой of crowd cheers exclamation all as- is woke;waked by motor-disco.
Yes apropos, the population honor increase in number in several or in a hundreds once on put the presented photo and video interesting references to the other sites,can who will hear itself on passed motorcycle race of the world cheste.
And all this on put MOTO CHAMAN CHESTE.

вторник, 19 июля 2011 г.

Cheste.Soon Championship of the world on Motorcycle race.

While sporttsmeny fight for rank of the champion on mototreke sircuit,amateurs motorsport enjoy in honor,bikers and all that is connected with Moto.

Cheste.Soon championship of the world on motorcycle race.

Soon in Cheste to begin the championship of the world on motorcycle race. The Inaugurations and salute in honour of openings will pass the festive actions.
But so much for not yet soon but while You dear is given possibility to examine the last past championships.